
TriplePlay Combo

There’s something for everyone with our 3-In-1 TriplePlay Combo

The TriplePlay Combo includes two bases (one for each side of the pool) and the popular QuikFire Pool Basketball Hoop, QuikSpike Pool Volleyball, and Pool-Up Bar attachments.

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Model No.Installation TypeInstallation Manual
SSTP-AMOn-Deck (deck mounted on existing pool deck using stainless steel drop-in anchors)
SSTP-SMIn-Deck (pre-installed on pool using stainless steel sleeve [anchor] with cap)
SSTPP-AM*On-Deck (deck mounted on existing pool deck using stainless steel drop-in anchors)
SSTPP-SM*In-Deck (pre-installed on pool using stainless steel sleeve [anchor] with cap)

* includes QuikFire Pro Pool Basketball Hoop